
Aug 2, 2010

Macroni with Tuna

        There is a lot of stigma associated with macroni and noodles in our land. Like, ...they cause gas trouble; They are made out of tapioca powder and hence not advisable for diabetics.... and so on.The truth is they are made of just refined wheat flour or 'maida' as we call it and cannot obviously burden your digestive system more than our 'parotas' and 'chapattis'. So may be it's time, we discarded our fear of them and start trying some dishes out......

       This particular recipe of macroni and tuna was originally a 'bachelor recipe'. We women inherited this recipe from our husbands when they married and became family men. I have kept this recipe under 'emergency recipe's list coz its so handy and quick to make in late morning breakfasts.

Macroni with Tuna

             Serves 3 to 4

Things you will need:

2 cups pasta
1 large onion sliced
1 tsp minced ginger
1 tsp minced garlic
1 medium sized tomato, sliced
1 tsp tomato puree / tomato paste
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp red chilly powder
salt to taste
1 can of white meat tuna (150g)
A bunch of coriander leaves
Method of preparation

1)   Boil pasta  in a bowl of water by adding adequate salt, until it is well cooked and tender. Drain it.

2)   Heat oil in a pan and saute onions until transparent. Add minced ginger & garlic. Then add sliced tomato and saute until pulpy.  Add tomato puree, turmeric and chilly powder.

3)   Add 1/4 glass of water  to it and cook for a few minutes. Add salt.

4)   Put the tuna meat into it .Make sure you add only the meat and drain out the oil or water in the tuna can.Now cook this for a couple of minutes until only a little gravy is left.

5)  Finally add cooked pasta and mix well.Garnish with coriander leaves or cilantro.

6)  Serve hot with tea.

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