
Jan 4, 2011

Mathan Thoran / Pumpkin Thoran and being Tagged

                As far as KB is concerned there had been not much ponderings on what to make for the first post of the year or should I say decade...? Oh yes, it is the starting of a decade, right? But 'nothing complicated', I decided. Simplicity is the best way with which you could begin a new year. I thought of posting the simple yet delicious pumpkin thoran which goes very well with rice. Though it is not the pumpkin season, pumpkins are still available in market at reasonable price and I made it the way my mom used to make it... back home with raw pumpkins. Raw pumpkins in kerala where more of a light greenish colour and tasted fantastic when cooked. Though butter pumpkins are deep yellow in colour, they taste almost similar to the green pumpkins of kerala. So I used butter pumpkin for the dish.

Things u need:

Butter pumpkin, cut into medium sized pieces - 1 cup
Grated fresh coconut                                     -  3 tbsp
Green chilli                                                    -  1
Turmeric powder (optional)                           -  1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds                                                 -  1/2 tsp
pearl onions/ shallots                                     -  2 to 3
Salt to taste
For tempering:
Mustard seeds                                             -  1/2 tsp
Curry leaves                                                -   a sprig
Coconut oil/ veg. oil                                     - 1 tbsp

        Cook the pumpkin slices adding a little water(about 3 tablespoon), adequate salt and turmeric powder until soft. Pulse the coconut,green chilli,shallots and cumin seeds in a blender and keep aside. Now heat oil in a frying pan or kadai and splutter mustard seeds in it. Add curry leaves and then add the pulsed coconut mixture to it and saute for a few seconds. Then add the cooked pumpkin slices to it and mix well. Adjust the salt, if needed. Remove from heat and serve hot with rice.


 I was tagged in a questionnaire by two of my blogging pals. Thank you, Mehnaz of 'Nas, the mistress of spices' and Suja of 'Kitchen corner- Try it' for tagging me.. It was fun answering your questions.. Sorry for being a little late.. Here are the questions and my answers to it..

1) Who inspired you to cook or bake?

 Actually it was not one person in particular. Lot of people have inspired me to cook. Starting from my mom, people who made outstanding dishes have always influenced me to make delicious goodies, though I got the chance to spice up those inspirations only after marriage.

2) What is your take on organic food? Is it a big deal for you?

Yes, if it where cheap, I would have always opted for organic food. Back home, my mom had a vegetable garden in which she grew her own organic foods and I loved eating them. But living in a foreign country where buying soil and plants would cost you a fortune, you cannot always follow your dreams...

3) You try a new recipe and it does not turn out good, what will you do?

I will try it again, differently. That is the most natural reflex which comes in my way.. I'l try n try until I get it perfect.

4) Do you have a new year resolution - and would you be sticking to it?

I usually  do not make any new year resolutions... I make resolutions every week and see whether they are fulfilled in the weekends.

5) Do you time your breakfast, lunch and dinner or eat when you are hungry?

I used to.. when I was in India. Nowadays it is more like the latter except on weekends when my husband is home.

6) Name three ingredients you consciously avoid or eliminate even when the recipe call for it?

MSG is one thing I consciously avoid.. and curd or yogurt in foods to be cooked.. And yes! saturated vegetable ghee is another thing I would love to avoid

7) Name three things you have to use in most of the recipes?

Salt, ginger garlic paste and tomatoes.


  1. my fav too...looks yummy n inviting!

  2. Looks very comforting n tempting curry

  3. Simple and yummy! Love your click too..

  4. Sooo tempting and delicious thoran..

  5. Thoran is looking awesome and nice to know more about u.

  6. Lovely dish, and very nice to read more about you.

  7. Delicious and tempting thoran,never tried this before..nice to know more about u.

  8. Never tried this myself, though I have seen it many times in blogs..looks wonderful :-) Happy New year !!

  9. Colorful and delicious thoran..Nice to read abt you.
    Happy new year to you and your family.

  10. What a great dish!!....I have never tried it, but your description is tempting me!!....Love it!!.....Abrazotes, Marcela

  11. Never tried thoran with pumpkin..Looks beautiful and delicious!! Will give it a try soon..Happy New Year!!

  12. Pumpkin never looked so good!!

    loved reading your answers :)
    Wishing you a very happy and healthy new year!

    US Masala

  13. wow!your blog looks awesome.thanks for following.

  14. very easy but tasty recipe...great work.

  15. I adore the butternut squash! This would be my favourite type of meal! Excellent photos too.

  16. This is one of my fav..this looks abslty yummy..i have one waiting in my draft folder..will post soon :-)

  17. looks delicious! it was good to know more about ur cooking preferences.
