
Mar 1, 2012

Beetroot Thoran

                      When I was small and school going, we seldom made beet dishes at home and so it was never send to school with my tiffin of lunch. Some of my classmates used to bring it with rice and I used to look in awe as the colour of their rice changed to pink when the beets were mixed in it. I always envied them and had tried to befriend them. In my eyes, the beet eaters were superior to non-beet eaters simply because they could change the colour of their rice to pink and I had felt myself inferior.

                       When this inferiority complex took hold of me hard, I said to my mom one day, "Well, today onwards, I want beets for lunch. If not, I'm not gonna go to school anymore". My mom wouldn't have understood a bit about my beet love, but nevertheless she included it in my lunch the next day onwards because she couldn't risk the halting of her daughter's schooling. So I was lifted up into the hierarchy of beet eaters in my class and never ever felt inferior again. 

                    This recipe of beetroot thoran is the most common form cooked in northern kerala and is quite delicious on its own.

Beetroot Thoran Recipe:

Things you need:

4 beetroots, skinned and cut into small square pieces
1 cup of grated coconut
2 green chillies
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 sprig of curry leaves
1 tbsp coconut oil
Salt to taste


Cook the beets in a covered vessel with little water and adequate salt. Pulse the coconut and green chillies in a mixer and keep aside. Heat a frying pan and add coconut oil. Splutter mustard seeds and curry leaves, Now add the pulsed coconut and saute for a minute. Finally add the cooked beets, mix everything well and remove from heat. Serve hot with rice.

  Sending this to Bon Vivant Moments #2 - Savoury Items at Sumee's Culinary Bites

and to CC event Vegan Diet at Srav's Culinary concepts  
and also to Walking through memory lane event hosted by Roshan of Roshan's Cusina started by Gayathri of Gayathri's Cookspot


  1. Wow if this is the veggie then I will stop going to work as I do not make this. Haha just joking. Looks great know why you envy the people.

  2. I was in the same boat... my mom never used to make it, so in my class I used to wonder how these girls make their rice red...but still, I hated that veg as a child....but now, LOVE IT...and make it often.... :) ur pics as usual, LOVELY.....

  3. Beautiful to have this with steaming hot rice.

  4. Yummy n healthy beetroot thoran.

  5. This is one of my fav.!! It's been sitting in draft forever coz I make them so often, but forget to click pics. :o)

  6. i am def bookmarking this. i am not a big beetroot fan, but then the lack of variety of vegetables make you wanna try new ones.

  7. Super healthy thoran !! looks wonderful !! Thanks for linking to the event !!

    Ongoing event CC:Vegan Diet - Plant Based Food
